Advantages behind developing for Android platform

Why Android?

There are many advantages to developing forthe Android platform:
Zero startup costs to begin development. The development tools for the platform are free to download, and Google only charges a small fee to distribute applications on the Android Market.
Freedom to innovate. The Android OS is an open-source platform based on the Linux kernel and multiple open-source libraries. In addition to building applications to run on Android devices, developers are free to contribute to or extend the platform as well.
Freedom to collaborate. Android developers are not required to sign an NDA and are encouraged to collaborate and share source code with each other. According to a survey by Black Duck Software, the number of open source mobile apps and libraries grew at a rate of 168% from 2008 to 2009, faster on Android than any other platform. This means more code that you can reuse in your own projects to bring them to market much faster.
Open distribution model. Very few restrictions are placed on the content or functionality allowed in Google’s Android Market, and developers are free to distribute their applications through other distribution channels as well.
Multi-platform support. There are a wide variety of hardware devices powered by the Android OS, including many different phones and tablet computers. Development for the platform can occur on Windows, Mac OS or Linux.
Multi-carrier support. A large number of telecom carriers currently offer Android powered phones.


What is Android?
Android is an operating system developed by Google that is dedicated to mobile devices.
Android is based on Linux.
Android core libraries are written in C ,C++ and Java.
Android platform is written in Java.
Android uses a virtual machine – Dalvik.
Android offers a set of APIs in the Java language for application developers.


Strong Password Generator

Hi every one , today I finished developing great android app named Strong Password Generator . Simply this app helps people to create very high strength password for keeping their accounts safe , I developed that app because I know that password may be easy if it’s created by people because all people simply don’t want to even think about password strength or they believe they made strong password but virtually it’s easy to guess password . finally that app will be the friend helper sometimes during creating new accounts . Now the app is on my store at and here few screenshots showing the app .






Free HTML viewer and editor

It’s difficult to create an html pages through Android , because there is not enough numbers of free applications in the applications stores that provide View and editing html codes . their authors doesnt provides a View options in free version so the users have to purchase the full version that View and Edit instantly . According to above, the user who can’t purchase the application will not be able to view his code , he will exit from the application and then open file manager then view the file. Because all of these difficulties I decided to create an application which will be free and full options enabled. But there is a little defect that is the application will not uploaded to Google Play instead of that I will upload it on  other applications stores so every user can download it quickly and start using.
Application name: HTML Viewer and Editor
Targeted platform: Android

Starting development Android app

Nowadays I am developing a very useful android application related with webmasters, the app named HTML Editor & Viewer, the user simply write a code and view the rusult directly the HTML Editor & Viewer supports HTML codes including JavaScript and CSS . The user can use the latest version of HTML and CSS which is HTML5 and CSS3 respectively. I hope that my work will help webmasters in their jobs.